BSG Plus 2025

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22-02-2025 01-03-2025 My Happy SVG

Welcome to the Benelux Speedrunner Gathering

BSG, also known as the Benelux Speedrunner Gathering, is an on-site speedrun marathon in the Netherlands. Naturally, the event is open for people from all nationalities.


Fletcher Hotel-Restaurant Nieuwegein-Utrecht
Buizerdlaan 10
3435 SB Nieuwegein
The Netherlands

Opening times:

Saturday February 22nd - 12:00
until Saturday March 1st - 22:00. These times are subject to change.


The transportation guide can be found here:
Travel guide to BSG Weeklong marathons

Important dates

Event: February 22nd until March 1st
Submissions & volunteering signups: TBA
Cuts & Schedule: TBA

Important links

Our socials (Twitch/Twitter/Discord/Youtube) are all in the top-bar of the website!
Runner Guidelines
Submission Guidelines
Code of Conduct
Terms of Agreement
Run Submission Page (Oengus)
Ticket page

Food & Drinks

The restaurant in the venue can supply with drinks and breakfast/lunch/dinner meals. Outside food is not allowed in the venue. However, small bottles of water and small food like sandwiches are deemed okay.


We are using a ticket system for the event. Runners will be required to have paid their tickets by a month in advance. (Insert reference here).
Buy your tickets here: Ticket page

Hotel Rooms

You can book rooms over at the hotel the event is held in. You can book tickets via the following site: Hotel Nieuwegein-Utrecht

Run submission

You can submit your runs to this marathon to have them shown at the event/on our stream. Be sure to read the runner guidelines and the submission guidelines before doing so.
When you're ready to submit, please follow this link to start your submission process on Oengus


We cannot organize BSG events without the assistance of volunteers. Therefore, we are opening submissions as well. Only together can we make sure our events runs as smoothly as can be. These are the roles you can sign up for:


Info desk: Be the first friendly face when visitors join the event in person! You will get attendees checked in, handle merch purchases, and oversee the rest of the event rooms.


Tech: The backbone behind the stream room. You make sure the runners can take place, and accomodate their computer/consoles. Next to that, you will take the reigns on the stream, make sure everything is filled/cropped in nicely.
Hosting: As a host/donation reader, you will be the voice of BSG during your shift. Informing the stream of all the donations that come in, what's happening with the stream, prizes, sponsor reads etc.
Audio: Similar to the Tech shift, you will make sure that the stream will sound pristine. Make sure that the headphones are configured correctly for the runners, and audio is mixed nicely for the stream!

You can sign up via the following link: Soon tm

Contact Info

Please join the public Discord:
Discord is our official means of communication and is the easiest way to get in touch with any of the organizing members.
Our email address is


Our marathon is proud supporter of MIND. Stichting MIND wants to prevent mental health issues by providing the right information and care to stay mentally healthy. We also support people that have dealt with mental issues themselves or within their family. We create awareness and understanding for people with mental problems and promote to be open in order to get the right support.