
Check out the event-info here: Event information

who we are

The Benelux Speedrunner Gathering, is an organisation of volunteers that delivers both weekend and weeklong speedrunning events. During these events, we are raising money for stichting MIND.


Our BSG Monthlies are a 2-day event during the weekend and are organized more regularly, before 2019 the aim was to do once a month. This has been our primary focus for the longest time and welcome anyone to visit in our welcoming and gaming-orientated venue!


In addition to our monthly events, BSG Annual is our week-long event happening in August. During this event, we will have a non-stop stream for 6 days featuring the best speedruns the Benelux and neighbouring countries have to offer. In addition, because of the length of the event, it's the perfect opportunity to come together as fellow speedrun-enthousiasts.

upcoming events

  • Soon






BSG Annual 2023

Hotel Asteria, Maasheseweg 80a, Venray, The Netherlands
August 13th to 19th, 2023
Event info & visiting

Donate now!

Click the image below to donate now, or click here.

Why donate

Over 40 percent of the people in the Netherlands have experienced mental health issues at some point in their lives. We know that 75% of mental health issues first show before the age of 25. 1 out of 5 teenagers has experienced mental problems and suicide is the primary cause of death among young people. Therefore MIND focusses on prevention of mental problems for young people with special peer projects in schools and online.

About MIND

Stichting MIND wants to prevent mental health issues by providing the right information and care to stay mentally healthy. We also support people that have dealt with mental issues themselves or within their family. We create awareness and understanding for people with mental problems and promote to be open in order to get the right support.

Find more information about mental health at www.wijzijnmind.nl .

Are you in need of mental support? Call or chat anonymously with a psychologist here.

BSG Donation policy

Your donations support MIND, 100% of your donations will go towards MIND. As per January 2019, BSG will not take any amount of the raised funds.

If you would like to do a direct donation to MIND, please do so here (page in Dutch).

Donations are made out to "Benelux Speedrunner Gathering".

past events
